Key Contact Webinar
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 2:00 pm Eastern

As a benefit to ASCE Key Contacts, we are hosting a discussion on the High Hazard Potential Dams Rehabilitation (HHPDR) Program. This program has the potential to help repair some the nation’s highest priority dam safety projects. ASDSO estimates it will cost nearly $24 billion to repair or rehabilitate this category of dams. 

Join guest speakers:

  • Mark Ogden, Technical Specialist and States Outreach at the Association of State Dam Safety Officials
  • Michele Lemieux, Montana State Dam Safety Program Supervisor
as they provide their perspectives on state dam safety programs, the role of the HHPDR, and examples from their communities.

Please register for the webinar by filling out the form below. You must include your ASCE Member ID so we can verify that you are a Key Contact. If you cannot remember your ASCE ID please call 1-800-548-2723. 

Not a Key Contact? Sign up for the webinar and we'll sign you up for the program.