Top leaders from ASCE’s sister society in the United Kingdom and from three international unions of civil engineering societies gathered at ASCE’s northern Virginia headquarters to discuss developments in the profession and upcoming plans and commit to working together more to tackle common concerns.
Joining in the discussions were delegations from the Institution of Civil Engineers, the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, the Pan American Union of Engineering Organizations, and the Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council, plus ASCE, represented by President Feniosky Peña-Mora, Past President Marsia Geldert-Murphey, and Region 10 Director April Lander.
Topics included the mutual recognition licensure agreement between the Engineering Council-UK and the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying, designed to streamline reciprocal licensure among engineers in the two countries. Nature-based solutions, sustainability initiatives, and plans for a Triennial Conference program held jointly with the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, potentially in conjunction with the ASCE 2025 Convention, also were discussed.
ASCE standards, notably this year’s endorsements by WFEO, UPADI, and ACECC of the new ASCE 73 Standard Practice for Sustainable Infrastructure, were a major topic, as was the potential to combine and share engineering expertise initiatives. The bonding among leaders added to the foundation set for further collaboration. Society members asked to vote on member grade streamlining
ASCE UK Group, Institution of Civil Engineers take on today’s ethical challenges
Fund from ASCE Foundation sponsors 3 international attendees of ASCE 2024 Convention
ASCE 2025 President Feniosky Peña-Mora, second left, meets Lisselyn Cristina Cordova Arias, center, who came to the 2024 ASCE Convention from Peru.
Younger ASCE members from Brazil, Lebanon, and Peru were excited to travel to Tampa, Florida, to attend the 2024 ASCE Convention, sponsored by the ASCE Foundation’s Younger Members Global Activities Fund. Made possible by a donation from a Washington, D.C. member, the fund supports convention attendance for Region 10 members under the age of 36. Although the threat of a hurricane curtailed the convention, these honorees were still delighted to be here:
Lisselyn Cristina Cordova Arias of the Peru Group, a professional New Face honoree with an international perspective on resilience.
Lea Habr of the Lebanon Section, one of ASCE’s collegiate New Face of Civil Engineering who recently graduated and is now pursuing her master’s degree, a former president of ASCE’s Lebanese American University Student Chapter.
Renan Gustavo Pacheco Soares, president of the ASCE Brazil Group, university lecturer and presenter of Future World Vision to students in Brazil, who took part in the 2024 ASCE president’s trip to Brazil.
ASCE shows strength in Australia at Section gathering
Australia Section members bonded at a networking event hosted by Region 10 Past Director Brett Phillips at Stantec in St. Leonards, New South Wales. Keynote speaker Kenneth Rosenfield, the immediate past Region 9 director serving California and a designated ASCE Advocacy Captain, spoke at the gathering to remind members of the power they hold to speak up for good government policies and enhanced infrastructure investment.
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