ASCE bonds with Brazil members, societies on president’s trip
Joined by Brazilian civil engineering leaders, ASCE 2024 President Marsia Geldert-Murphey visited one of the lovely botanical gardens in Curitiba, Brazil.
South America, specifically Brazil, was the focus of this year’s annual presidential trip to reinforce ASCE’s ties with our international engineering brethren. With Brazil set to host the G20 summit later this year and the all-important COP30 on climate change in 2025, an ASCE group led by 2024 President Marsia Geldert-Murphey decided to touch base with Brazil Group members and sister societies and assess the nation’s efforts to embrace sustainability.
In São Paulo, ASCE met with the leaders of the Federal Council of Engineering and Agronomy and the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of the State of Sao Paulo to discuss the state of engineering profession in Brazil and the United States, and to participate in their first of its kind international training seminar. Geldert-Murphey, Region 10 Director April Lander, Brazil Group President Renan Gustavo Soares, and Executive Director Tom Smith provided training on relevant ASCE programs and resources as well as the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s Envision rating system. It was simultaneously translated into Portuguese.
Alongside the training event, the Region 10 Board of Governors held its annual in-person meeting in the city. The main topic of discussion was how the Society’s recently adopted strategic plan applies to Region 10.
The second leg of the trip took them to Curitiba, a model city for urban planning and sustainability. Through its urban planning institute, ASCE leaders learned about the city’s adoption of smart city technology through its urban planning institute and witnessed its impressive control center. They also enjoyed meeting with leaders of the Brazilian Association of Civil Engineers and the Institute of Engineering of Parana and discussing potential areas of collaboration.