In Santiago, ASCE and the Institute of Engineers of Chile sign an agreement of cooperation
ASCE 2024 President-Elect Feniosky Peña-Mora signs the agreement as Institute of Engineers of Chile President Juan Carlos Barros awaits his opportunity.
ASCE has a new sister society in Latin America with the signing of an agreement of cooperation with the Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, or the Institute of Engineers of Chile. IING has a history representing that nation’s engineers almost as long as ASCE’s, as it was founded in 1888. ASCE 2024 President-Elect Feniosky Peña-Mora visited IING headquarters in Santiago to sign the agreement. “I had a very productive and fruitful conversation,” Peña-Mora said, “We discussed areas for collaboration in the areas of resiliency, climate risks, and sustainability.” Pan-American and Portugal engineering societies’ leaders bond with ASCE
Kazakhstan seismologists turn to ASCE for guidance post-earthquakes
By arrangement with the U.S. State Department, a delegation of seismologists and related specialists from the government of Kazakhstan recently traveled across the United States on a mission to learn how they can expand their technical capacity around seismic hazard assessments, monitoring, and scientific research, including a briefing with ASCE.
The world’s ninth largest country by area with 20 million citizens, Kazakhstan is recovering from two recent devastating earthquakes in Almaty, its largest city. ASCE Executive Director Tom Smith led staff in briefing the guests on how ASCE standards and U.S. national building codes enhance structures’ seismic resiliency, the federal government’s National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, and other ways ASCE extends support internationally.
Path opened to let US, UK engineers practice in each other’s countries
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